kita akan merubah cara dakwah kita di komunitas Global civil society kita,
we will change the way we preach in our Global civil society community,

if I’m not your leader, then it’s impossible for me to give you instructions, to follow the path of salvation. and it is the lucky ones who heed the warnings and learn the lesson. in this end times.

Muslimah Dress White Colours

Judaism Dress Black Colours

Christian Dress Brown Colours

Hinduism - Dress Yellow Colours

Buddhism - Dress Red Bridge Colours

Flow of Belief - Dress Red Colours

ini yang saya ingin kalian persiapkan untuk melakukan hijrah/migrasi akbar, bersama orang2 beriman yang selamat, dikala kekacauan dunia terjadi nanti. pakaian seperti ini yang harus kalian persiapkan & kenakan (jubah & baju dress panjang sampai ke atas mata kaki untuk baju,baik wanita/pria. dan sorban atau tudung bagi penutup kepala pria, dan hijab/veil bagi penutup kepala wanita) untuk muslim berwarna putih , nasrani berwarna coklat,yahudi berwarna hitam, budha berwarna merah bata, hindu berwarna kuning bukan orange, konghucu dan aliran kepercayaan lain berwarna merah. jika kalian bertemu orang2 beriman yang berhijrah menanyakan siapa kalian & tujuan kalian, maka katakan “kami orang yang berserah diri, semoga Tuhan menunjuki kami kepada jalan keselamatan bersama orang2 yang lurus.” maka ikut lah kalian bersama orang2 beriman itu untuk berhijrah mencari tempat yang aman.
this is what I want you to prepare to do the big hijrah/migration, together with the faithful survivors, when world chaos happens later. clothes like this that you have to prepare & wear (cloaks & long dresses up to the ankles for clothes, both women’s / men. and turbans or hoods for men’s head coverings, and hijab / veil for women’s head coverings) for Muslims are white , Christians are brown, Jews are black, Buddhists are brick red, Hindus are yellow instead of orange, Confucianism and other beliefs are red. if you meet believers who have emigrated asking who you are & your purpose, then say “we are people who surrender, may God guide us to the path of salvation with the righteous.” then join you with the believers to emigrate to find a safe place.